Hi! I’m Rosemary Siemens and I’m passionate about Bringing Back The Hymns! I started singing and playing hymns on violin and piano with my parents when I was three. I am so saddened that a lot of churches are moving away from singing hymns so I have made it my mission to try and do something about it – I even wrote a song called “Bring Back The Hymns.”
Every week I share inspirational Christian music and stories on my YouTube Channel to do my part in keeping these hymns alive. In September 2019, I officially launched my weekly “Sunday Hymn Serenade” series on YouTube, where I release a new hymn every Sunday at 10am EST (recorded in our home studio by my husband Eli Bennett). Since the launch, we have received over 4.1 million views and over 17,000 subscribers! Most importantly, these hymns have been touching lives around the world, from people sharing with me about how they are growing closer to God, to a homeless man telling me these hymns saved his life. God has turned this into an incredible online musical ministry. I could have never even dreamed of what this has turned into and it is all for His honour and glory.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, I knew that people would need more uplifting content so I began my second series entitled “Worship Wednesday” where I share a new or old worship song every Wednesday at 10am EST on my YouTube Channel. The response has been incredible! Here are some responses to these videos from people all over the world:
“I experienced a tremendous amount of peace knowing that God was speaking to my heart through your beautiful voice…” – Jacqueline
“Thanks Rosemary, your beautiful music brings such calm in these difficult times.” – John
“This is what the worried soul needs right now and your beautiful voice and message is the medicine for the anxieties of today’s ordeals.” – Mark
Each one of these videos takes my husband and me between 12-20 hours to make (from arranging, recording, shooting, mixing and mastering). We would so appreciate your support in helping us to continue to bring these hymns around the world so that we can minister to a greater audience, help change lives, and share the Gospel through music!
Thank you so much for helping me “Bring Back The Hymns”!